Saturday, March 20, 2010

Final Demonstration of The Future Teachers

March 02, 2010

March 02 2010, a final demonstration of the Interns in Don Emilio Elementary School. All of the 2nd year that are assigned in DESES are required to observed the final demonstration. the observation that we need to do is not just a requirement but also for us to learn early and to have an idea or to get some information on how a fianl demonstration is done.
My group mates and I went early in DESES. We assigned ourselves on where are we going to observe. Ms. Pasia and I decided to obsrved in grade three. The intren there is Ms. Aiza Manila. Her subject is Filipino, and she used a four pronged approach. At first, she was so nervous, but when she is in the middle of her discussion, she become calm. Her approach to the children are good, but in terms of visual materials, I think, her visual is not enough to catch the attention of the pupil. And sometimes, if the child still raising their hands to answer, she ignore them. And also in posting her visuals in board. sometimes it place in lower part of the blackboard. and her story telling is not that clear.
But all in all, for me her performance is satisfactory.