Saturday, March 20, 2010

Final Demonstration of The Future Teachers

March 02, 2010

March 02 2010, a final demonstration of the Interns in Don Emilio Elementary School. All of the 2nd year that are assigned in DESES are required to observed the final demonstration. the observation that we need to do is not just a requirement but also for us to learn early and to have an idea or to get some information on how a fianl demonstration is done.
My group mates and I went early in DESES. We assigned ourselves on where are we going to observe. Ms. Pasia and I decided to obsrved in grade three. The intren there is Ms. Aiza Manila. Her subject is Filipino, and she used a four pronged approach. At first, she was so nervous, but when she is in the middle of her discussion, she become calm. Her approach to the children are good, but in terms of visual materials, I think, her visual is not enough to catch the attention of the pupil. And sometimes, if the child still raising their hands to answer, she ignore them. And also in posting her visuals in board. sometimes it place in lower part of the blackboard. and her story telling is not that clear.
But all in all, for me her performance is satisfactory.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February 05, 2010
7:30-11-00 am
Preparation for the Coming Examination
Today, the class that I observed conducted their review session for their coming Achievement test. This review is for the pupil to recall their previous lesson and to prepare the pupils for their coming examination. The teacher gave them thirty minutes to answer the test question. The subject is English, and it has 25 items. When the questionnaire already distributed to the pupils, all of them answered their papers silently. After the given time for answering the test, the teacher told to the pupils to exchange their papers on their seatmates for checking. Before they check the right answer in each number, the strategy of the teacher is, she read first the question and explain it for them to understand those question well. After the test, the teacher review them again by throwing question to the pupils, and the pupils can immediately answered the question of the teacher, because the lesson is still fresh to their mind. The strategy of the teacher is really effective. The way that she on repeating their previous lesson is good for the pupils learn more from that particular subject. Also the other subject, they also had a review examination.

Friday, February 5, 2010

February 02, 2010
9:00-11:35 am
A Future Teacher held their Local Demonstration
Last February 02, is the local demonstration of the Interns. They started their demonstration in the morning. Me and my group mates decided to observe their local demonstration than to assigned room. Before we proceed to the local demonstration of the Fourth year, we ask first the permission of our cooperating teacher. When our cooperating teacher allowed us, my group mates decided to divide us into three groups to witness the different strategy and technique of the different Interns. Me and Ms. Casuar observed the demonstration of the fourth year in grade II. Her teaching at first is good. All of the pupils are listening and raising their hands if she ask a question. She also tell a short story and a dialogue by using pictures. So all of them are listening . And they can easily remember the whole story through the pictures that they saw. She also gave an activity that the pupils are all involve. And they participated actively. All of them enjoy the activity. After that, she gave an evaluation test, to test the pupils if they really learn to the discussion. Few minutes after, the pupils finished their test. And the result of the exam was good. After the local demonstration, Ms, Casuar and I and also the teachers who watch the local demonstration had a picture taking.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

First Day Observation for the 2nd Semester
Last tuesday, January 26, our mayor announce that we dont have our class in English, so my group decided to conduct our observation. But before we observe in our assigned room, we talked first to the principal and to the new supervisor to informed that we will start again our observation. On my first observation, in the class that I observed are taking their examination. So, I just sit at the side of the teacher's table and watch them while taking their examination. After their exam, they check their test paper and they sent home. My cooperating teacher told me that most of the time, the things that I will observe to them is mostly, taking exams and review. Because they will have a lot of exams to come, so that, the pupils need to review.